
日本文化 【Japanese Culture】





Tanabata is widely cherished as a night when dreams come true. On the evening of July 7th, the Milky Way spreads across the star-filled sky. There is a legend that Orihime and Hikoboshi can meet only once a year on this special night.

On this night, we also write our wishes on tanzaku (small pieces of paper) and hang them on bamboo. With a heart as dedicated as Orihime’s, we can pursue our dreams. Looking up at the Milky Way, infinite possibilities open up, and it feels like any dream can come true.

Tanabata night is also a time to share wishes with family and friends. Through the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi, we can feel the bonds with our loved ones. In this moment, illuminated by the brilliance of the Milky Way, hope for the future overflows.

Tanabata teaches us the importance of holding onto our dreams. Just like the beautiful fabric woven by Orihime, our wishes, when carefully spun together one by one, will eventually turn into a grand reality. This Tanabata, let’s take a heartfelt step toward a shining future.

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